“In Parola. Writings, book publications, experiments in translation” 


Joseph Kosuth

Je ne pourrais pas vivre sans écrire. Enfant, adolescente, les livres m’ont sauvée du désespoir ; cela m’a persuadée que la culture est la plus haute des valeurs.
— Simone de Beauvoir, L'âge de discrétion, 1967

Joseph Kosuth

Schön schreiben, das heiße beinahe auch schon schön denken, und von da sei nicht weit mehr zum schönen Handeln. Alle Sittigung und sittliche Vervoll- kommnung entstamme dem Geiste der Literatur.
— Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg, 1924

Joseph Kosuth

Se tuo figlio scrive versi, correggilo e mandalo per la strada dei monti; se lo trovi nella poesia la seconda volta, puniscilo ancora; se va per la terza volta, lascialo in pace perché è un poeta.
— Maria Grazia Deledda, Discorso per il conferimento del Premio Nobel, 1926

The CSR is a venue for well-known, established writers and for young people taking their first steps in the extensive and demanding fields of literature and poetry. The Casa del Diospero is not, however, a refuge, but rather a place of sociality. The woods that surround it, the meadows and the olive groves favour focus, reflection and the discipline of the writer. In the CSR’s library, where all guests are invited to leave a book of their choice, thereby leaving a trace of their passage, we would like to hear diverse voices, not just meditative silences. Perhaps contrasting voices from far away, perhaps brought to us by translators, whose work is frequently overlooked in the cultural and literary sectors, but which is instead central and to which we wish to pay particular attention.

Ileana Florescu, Le mille e una notte


  • Writing workshops and seminars

  • Workshops and seminars on and about literary translation

  • Meetings with authors and book presentations

  • Conventions

  • Conferences

  • Publishing ventures

Cy Twombly, Fifty Days at Iliam. Heroes of the Achaeans, 1978

Calligramma di Perseo, MS Harley 647, British Library